I've been so wrapped up in Sydney that I just can't find the time to blog. Plus, I'm still trying to find a job. For those of you who don't know, when I went back to work in July after maternity leave, I worked 1 day and they told me they were "doing away with my position". I couldn't believe it was happening after working for the company for 7 years. I know several women who have either been "let go" during or after maternity leave or that have lost their clients while on maternity leave. It really sucks that women are made to feel like they need to choose between a career or family. I guess we should all quit working and live off welfare and WIC. But, enough about that...
On to more postive feelings!!! Sydney turned 5 months old Oct. 11 and since she's had a cold for like 3 weeks, her 4 month check up was postponed until Oct. 12. She weighed 18lbs 10oz and was 26 3/4 inches long. My giant baby! Her weight and height were still in the 99th percentile for her age, but her head is in the 50th percentile, so at least she doesn't have a giant head! She's already wearing 9 month and 12 month clothes. She's outgrowing size 2 shoes! Her first tooth also broke through on Oct. 13. It seems like she's been teething forever. Little Miss Drool. She's also trying to crawl. She's scooting around on her stomach and is learning to pull her legs under her to push herself off the floor. She's so amazing and so much fun! Here's some new pics. Our wedding photographer Alison Bynum took some awesome pictures of Sydney last month and I've included a few of my favorites. Hope you don't mind Alison! I took the others.